Hi, I’m Dr. J

Parent. Professor. Psychologist.

I help parents navigate the challenging college admission and scholarship process. Most importantly, I simplify the planning/application process and show parents where to focus their time and energy.

I also specialize in the development of personal Success Traits that win competitions for college admission and scholarships, employment and job promotion. If your teenager wants to attend a competitive college (Top 100) they must stand out among other highly qualified applicants. In fact they must be able to answer this question, “What separates me from others with the same or similar GPA, test scores, AP classes, and extracurricular activities?”  If your teenager can’t answer this question, you need to schedule a Live CHAT or 1 to 1 Coaching.


Areas of Expertise

  • Admission and Scholarship Strategy
  • Top 100 College Planning and Preparation
  • Measuring College Value and Return On Investment (ROI)
  • Career Exploration and Engagement
  • Preparing Students with Disabilities
  • Evaluating College Readiness
  • Developing Essential Skills

My Approach

I believe that a parent with the right information, a game plan, and great resources can give their child the best chance for college admission and scholarships. I call these parents “Highly Prepared” and my job is to help you become highly prepared. My approach to helping parents become Highly Prepared is guided be three core beliefs:

1. Know Better. Do Better.

The essential part of preparing for college admission and scholarships is knowing what matters most in the decision process. That’s why teaching is so important to everything I do. The free information I provide on my podcast and through my paid services are created to ensure every parent can learn what’s important in the college prep process.

2. Parents Know Their Teenager Best

Parents have the most important role to play in helping their teen Stand Out in the admission and scholarship process. Knowing what’s unique and amazing about your teen, along with the areas they can and need to grow, positions parents to have the best chance for moving their teenager forward. When parents combine their knowledge of their teenager with solid advice, they are more capable of guiding them to success in the application process.

3. One Step Ahead

Getting ahead and staying ahead in the admission and scholarship race doesn’t happen by doing what everyone else is doing. You must get ahead and stay ahead to win. And, getting ahead of thousands of high performing students is all about being strategic. Finding and choosing what’s going to distinguish your teenager is the name of the game. I give parents access to exclusive opportunities on college campuses that help their teenager separate form similarly qualified applicants.